
<#2#>Numbers<#2#> in <#4#>T<#4#> are objects which represent real numbers. Numbers come in three varieties: integers, ratios, and floating point numbers. Integers and ratios are exact models of the corresponding mathematical objects. Floating point numbers give discrete approximations to real numbers within a certain implementation-dependent range.

As expressions, numbers are self-evaluating literals (see section #EQ_#5>).

There may be many different objects which all represent the same number. The effect of this is that <#11#>EQ?<#11#> may behave in nonintuitive ways when applied to numbers. It is guaranteed that if two numbers have different types or different numerical values, then they are <#12#>not<#12#> <#13#>EQ?<#13#>, but two numbers that appear to be the same may or may not be <#14#>EQ?<#14#>, even though there is no other way to distinguish them. Use <#15#>EQUAL?<#15#> or <#16#>=<#16#> (page #EQUAL_#17>) for comparing numbers.